We lost it

Good Evening & Happy Wednesday Eve.

So we all know what happened yesterday.

The additional sad part about it is that there are local media stations doing reports on the ‘security’, ‘enhanced security’, ‘additional security’, or whatever ‘adjective security’.

The Media has a duty to be stewards of knowledge & share this knowledge with the world. Doing reports on ‘enhanced security’ does not do us any good at the present time.

The incident that happened is very tragic, and it could happen anywhere.

Someone said we don’t know why this happened to me on twitter.

I said that last night, and I’ve said it before.

We know the person or persons who caused this event is stupid. YOU don’t hurt people, YOU DON’T HURT PEOPLE. Your reason(s) for it are invalid.

I do hope that we catch this person.

We will not be broken, we are people. We are STRONG!

The word of the day is verisimilitude which is the appearance or semblance of truth.

Well enjoy the rest of your week.