Quotes from the World for Sunday 03/17/MMXIII

As to the thirty-six Senators who placed themselves on record against the principle of a World Court, I am inclined to think that if they ever get to Heaven they will be doing a great deal of apologizing for a very long time—that is if God is against war—and I think He is

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945), U.S. president. letter, Jan. 30, 1935, to Senator Joseph T. Robinson. The Roosevelt Letters, vol. 3, p. 138, ed. Elliott Roosevelt, George G. Harrup & Co. Ltd. (1952).

FDR was a firm supporter of U.S. participation in the World Court as a means of settling international disputes by mediation. Senator Robinson led the fight in the Senate for approval of U.S. participation.