Pie Day

Good Morning & Happy Thursday.

It is Pie day, let’s get your pie on. IF you’re reading this, do you want to have pie together.

Today is Thursday 03/14/V3.3 & it is Pi day.

You can bring yourself and maybe some pie to the Benson Community Center. I’ll be there from 13.00 to 22.00. You are more than welcome to come anytime. The more pie for me the better it will be.

So today is also laundry day, cause you know it is Thursday.

I’ve washed my clothes & they are in the dryer.

In a little bit here I have to head to the store & work. That’d be #HighNoon & why the dryer has to be done at that time. I don’t have any time to spare on inefficiency.


The word of the day is madcap which is wildly or heedlessly implusive; reckless; rash.

Vernon J hopes that you have a good day!!