Rebel with a Cause

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday,

I may be a rebel, but you can be certain that I have a cause. WE ALL know what it is.

Today is Tuesday 07/24/V3.3.

Well we started our morning at 06.58 & it will be over about 23.00. NOT too shabby right?

I thought there was a bug in my car, but it is just the echos. I’m blogging LIVE from inside the automobile.

I was out the house in under an hour today, didn’t have time to do any entry.

So that’s it for now.

F for fantastic. I actually typed the F red a Planning Department report & forgot what it was for, so it is for fantastic now.

The word of the day isĀ bildungsroman which is a novel about the education and development of a young protagonist.

Have a wonderful day.