My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy FNP,

1st order of the day. At this point I only have II hours of work left of the LXXXI marathon left.

I also left my key on the floor of my car, when I got out. It apparently has an auto-lock feature after awhile of being unlocked. There are II things to know about this.

  • Make sure you have the right Farmer’s insurance company. I’m a member of the Farmer’s Mutual of Nebraska, not the BIG National Farmers. The CSR was NEVER had a chance to find me.
  • Thank Goodness I have 5 years/40233.6 km’s. It appears that I’ll hit the 40233.6 km’s before the 5 year. Cause I was at 10,050.35 which is a ¼ of the allowance & I haven’t had the car for 15 months yet.

There was NO additional cost for this service. Another reason why I’m glad I bought buying a new car.

See you do use math after you Graduate High School Saturday 06/06/1998 & College Friday 12/17/V3.1

Tomorrow we shall head to Grand Island & make it Easy Like Sunday Morning. <-currently playing in my ear.

I also heard another good song today.

Well that’s my evening report, I need to get to ironing some clothes from tomorrow & possibly Saturday. Cause I have dishes to wash, & between ironing & washing dishes (which I don’t like either) I prefer doing dishes more. So I’ll do the evil stuff tonight.

Vernon J out.