Supreme Court of the United States & 11-393

1st – Here is the SCOTUS opinion. I provide you with this so you will know that you can FORM your on opinion.

2nd – I have insurance though First Data, I’ve had insurance though Food Bank for the Heartland & The Salvation Army. When I worked at McDonalds, Big Apple Bagels, Russ’ Restaurants. I anticipate all future FULL TIME employers to provide such healthcare for me.

3rd – IF my employers didn’t provide me healthcare I would get it for myself, cause it is UNACCEPTABLE to not have health insurance. The costs of an accident or illness should not be passed on to anyone else.

*full disclosure* I am NOT a lawyer by trade, training, & I don’t even pretend to be one on the internet.

I agree with the courts opinion that the federal government should not reduce medicaid funding if they choose not to expand to people making under 133% of the poverty level. This would be people making less than $11,495 $5.58 per hour. YES that is much less than the minimum wage. But people like me Single, Able Body Adults Without Dependents do not qualify for medicaid.

YES there are places that don’t offer health insurance & it can be tough. BUT to withdraw the money from people who currently qualify for the assistance isn’t the way I want it.

The second and most important decision that rubs me the wrong way is allowing the individual mandate to stay in effect.

The costs for this Individual Responsibility -| mandate is as follows. $95 or 1% of HI up to $285 for 2014, $325 or 2% of HI up to $975 for 2015, $695 for 2016 or up to 2.5% of the income capped at $2,250 per family. Of course doesn’t have that anywhere on their page. I got those numbers from here & here.

WE CAN’T FORCE PEOPLE to do something their want. That’s not my America & I’m mad a a bee trapped in a honey jar.

The SCOTUS did their job, it is now time for Congress to do their job.

Lee, Ben, Jeff, Adrain, & Mike I’m c This Act would have provided unting on you to do what is right.

Someone (a Congressman) asked to people under 40 (YES THAT ME) would give up their health insurance to go on the government. My answer was NO!

If they taxed us for things that we didn’t want to do (ie buy a car) for the 1st FULL XXXII years of my life, I would have had additional taxes.

*edit* Representative Lee introduced H.R. 3937 int he 111th Congress. Which is the Simple Universal Healthcare Act of 2009. This Act would have provided coverage based on the Federal employees health benefits program. Simple Universal Healthcare Act of 2009 (2009; 111th Congress H.R. 3937) – I supported it then & I support it now.

The word of the day is syndic which is a person chosen to represent and transact business for a corporation.