Cooler than Me?

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

My goal is to be out of the door by 11.00 & get to the G-Store, so that means I have to pause this & get this breakfast down. I’m planning to walk to the store so I will be #blogging & walking.

Okay, so maybe between 10.40 & 12.56 I had a change of plans. I went to lunch with Jim for my Birthday, so I didn’t walk there & I didn’t get a chance to blog while walking.

Please don’t hate me, you are cooler than me. YOU REALLY ARE! YEAH, they were talking about a ‘special guest’ / viewer. ME! This week is really about me, speaking of that.

Well I’m currently cooking dinner. IF you follow me on twitter, you would know what I’m having.

The word of the day is larrup which is to beat or thrash.

Well I’m off to work & to do what needs to be done.

Enjoy the rest of your day.