My Evening Report

Good Evening.

I bet you are asking yourself, where was my morning blog entry. Well I didn’t do one, I was BUSY. I got up at 07.00, ironed, ate breakfast, & got out the door a little before/after 09.00.

We did some yard signs, we did some door to door, I even talked to a mail man. Just for the record, he noticed I was running cause of my license plates. YEAH, something about it being worth it.

Today is Saturday 04/28/V3.2 & its that kind of day.

I got out of work at 18.45, using some vacation time. Which worked out well, a friend from the 68801, who is current in Fremont so good time. I also thought I had a birthday party to go to tonight, but it was last night.

The word of the day is littoral which is pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea or ocean. I won’t be seeing any of those tonight. IF I do, #Nebraska we have a problem. Well I may see the lake shore, it is okay. Apparently there were a couple of lakes opened in the state today.

I wonder if that takes care of everything.  hmmmmm. Well I do have unlimited information sharing ability.

Enjoy your Saturday Night.