My Evening Report

Well there are only 80 calories in this whole thing.

image Unforgettably I didn’t eat the whole bag, I gave 2 of them to my co-workers. I believe that fortunately depending on our relationship. I had 53.3 calories.

I also have to give a shoutout to my neighbor who went to Target for me, cause I forgot to go there. Thanks Tina.

I started at 06.45 & it is 23.16 & I’m getting ready for bed. My 1st appointment is at NOON tomorrow. I’m trying to sleep till 09.00, that is why I’m up right now.

I hope you had a great day & someone brought laughs to your face.


If you’re reading this, this means that I didn’t get a chance to edit this.

This message is prepared at 04/12/V3.2 12.41 VST.