8 hours in

Good Morning & Happy 8 hours into the day.

I set the alarm for 08.00, but the body requested an appearance to everyone at 07.27. The body knows what it wants, who am I to challenge it? I got a full night’s sleep last night, yeah!

Today is Tuesday 03/20/V3.2 & we are on day 65.

Something happened 65 days ago, I don’t know what it is.

How do we start the day & what do we do with it. It is going to be a wonderful day.  I don’t like these little sticky notes on paper.

The word of the day is vernal which is appearing or occurring in spring. IF I’m not mistaken  its the 1st day of spring, I could be. But I’m pretty confident that I’m correct.

Well I thing that covers it for now. Have a GREAT day!!!