Fun from right here

Good Morning & Happy Saturday,

I didn’t go out last night, but I had a fun night, RIGHT here in the condo. I chatted with Kristin & John. We had a tri-state, bi-time zone chat. Thanks it was fun.

Today is Saturday 11/19/V3.2 & I figure I’ll start my day at 13.00.

I’m watching the NASCAR morning shows on speed. That should wrap up sometime before 13.00.

I need to go to the Sprint store, I’m having phone issues.  My phone won’t connect to the wireless network, it doesn’t matter though. I have truly unlimited data for $69.99. Thank YOU very much. I might go get some black ink from Staples. It is the only store that carries the kind I need.

That is pretty much my day, unless YOU wanna do something.  You know how to reach me at my direct line.

The word of the day is knavery which is unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing; trickery.

Have a GOOD one & be a Wild & Crazy Kid out there.