The fifth recommends Spandex

Good Morning & Happy FNP!

If you follow me on twitter, you’d understand the fifth.

Today is Friday 08/19/V3.2 & its a very insightful day.

Started off this morning with washing the dishes of the past II or III days, all that is dirty is my breakfast dishes.

What shall I do on this FNP, I thought about going to the pants store.  But I don’t feel like shopping, so maybe I’ll go Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.  Baby can’t be put in a box. I know I won’t be cutting any ribbons today, I can assure you of that.

I know that it’ll be an exciting day at work, I have lots to do I’m sure.

None of the movies that open this weekend, has earned the respect of my $5, so I won’t be going to see a movie.

The word of the day is runic which is Having some secret or mysterious meaning.

Have a Fantastic FNP!