Everybody Look Left, Everybody Look Right

Good Morning & Happy Monday.

That line is from The Lion King.

Today is Monday 08/08/V3.2 & its my 2nd favorite day of the week.  I <3 Monday’s.

Well I did some pilaties this morning, give my back a good stretch, it needed it.  I had me a well deserved breakfast; waffle, yogurt, juice, milk.  It was quite yummy.

Well this evening I have a Joslyn Castle Neighborhood Association Meeting tonight.  I hear there will be an action packed agenda.  It is happening at the Cornerstone Mansion, 19.00.  it should go about an hour or so.

I think I got my dinner all taken care of, but that’s subject to change. depending on how I feel.

The word of the day is chaptalize, which is to increase the alcohol in a wine by adding sugar.

Have a GREAT Monday.