Beat of a different drum

Good Morning & Happy Saturday!

What shall I do to wittle away the hours, I can guarantee I won’t be doing laundry today. I didn’t do it Thursday cause I was celebrating the 32nd Anniversary of my birth.

Well the birthday party is at 20:00 at Applebee’s on Doge(the one closet to me RIGHT NOW).

It is currently 17 – degrees, & is expected to be 25 – degrees from 15:00 to about 20:00.  I’m okay with with that.  Get out & enjoy it.  I’ll probably go for a bike ride for a little bit.

The summer arts festival is also happening  in downtown Omaha.  There is also the Village Pointe Wine Festival which runs from 13:00 to 21:00, if I was a winey person I’d get out there & support them. More info at

The word of the day is kerf which is a cut or incision made by a saw or the like in a piece of wood.

Well I’m off to feed the beast.

Enjoy your Saturday & get your ‘One Way Ticket (Because I Can)’, pretty much the best 3 word combination in the English language.