Save $1.00 next time?

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday!

Today is Tuesday 06/07/V3.1 & we are within 48 hours of someone’s birthday. Just in-case you’ve been in an internet or phone free zone, Its Vernon J’s Birthday.

So I went to the store & this product had a coupon on the back of the product label, that you could save $1.00 next time. Well I proceeded to rip said product label off & saved the $1.00 this time.  I’m too good.

It is expected to be 36 – degrees again, another day to go for a bike ride in Omaha.

What else shall I do?

The word of the day is wiredrawn which means finely spun; extremely intricate; minute.

Have a ‘The Lazy Song’ or ‘Lose Yourself” kinda day.