I’m glad

I’m glad that I’m a Glass 1/2 full kind of person.

Is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty

It is so easy to look at something & say,  Thank Goodness for this opportunity.

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-26

Its Amazing

Today is Tuesday 04/26/V3.1 & its a clairvoyant day.

Well it has been a good breakfast so far, & my tummy is full. Cereal, Yogurt, Juice, & Bread.

something witty. When you lose something that you consider valuable, thing about the person that never had what you had?

Well I’m off for another amazing day, I wish to pass along the same to you.

The word of the day is anneal, to toughen or temper.

FroYo & Reading – @teleshka

@teleshka Yeah, I’m reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes right now.  Gonna finish #ironing, get a bowl/tub of FroYo & read.  Good thing today is non-emotional.

Better day

Today was a good day at work & I’m okay with that.

Tomorrow is Tuesday 04/25/V3.1 & its well TUESDAY.  What were you expecting some amazing insightful wisdom at 20:28?  I’ll work on it for tomorrow morning.

If you ask for certain items you shall receive them.

Apparently on Saturday 04/25/MMIX I had a piece of pie, I remember.  We went to Village Inn & I convinced the server to give me a free piece of pie.

I have a meeting tomorrow evening after work.  Don’t pressure me, I’m on a mission.

I hope you had a great day, & remember that thing that someone told you.


Quotes from the world for Monday 04/25/V3.1

Room, room, make room for the bouncing belly,
First father of sauce, and deviser of jelly,

Ben Jonson
Ben Jonson (1572–1637), British dramatist, poet. Hymn (l. 1–2). . .

The Complete Poems [Ben Jonson]. George Parfitt, ed. (1988) Penguin.

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-25

Places, please

Good Morning & Happy Monday 04/25/V3.1 from Vernon J!

I’m NOT selling out, I will heart Monday’s every Monday of my life.

I hope you have a GREAT day!!!

The word of the day is marginalia, which means notes in the margin of a book, manuscript, or letter.