Final Numbers from Omaha Recall Election


Time Yes NO Total Registered Votes Percentage who voted
20:00 13,342 13,625 26,967 241414 0.11
20:45 19,820 18,974 38,794 241414 0.16
21:30 28,349 28,351 56,700 241414 0.23
22:15 35,786 37,233 73,019 241414 0.3
22:45 36,832 38,484 75,316 241414 0.31
11:45 37,198 38,841 76,039 241414 0.31

This means one thing, although the people who wanted to recall Mayor Suttle had a big microphone, the voters reaffrimed their May 2009 vote.

As of Wednesday 01/26/V3.1 07:59 76,039 people have voted.  76,122 people voted in the May 2009 election.  That means about the same number of people came out to vote.  Probably the same people.

Thanks again for costing us $300,000.  We DON’T appreciated it.