Steve has a plan

Steve has a plan, let’s get on it.

FTC Needs to stop this with a very simple labeling law :

If you offer the same product in two sizes, the greater in volume, mass or calories shall be called ‘Large’, and the other shall be called ‘small’. If a third, intermediate size of the product is offered, then it shall be called ‘medium’. If four sizes are offered, then its name shall be ‘extra large’. If more than four sizes of a product are offered, the vendor shall be required to use a measured, enumerated scheme in labeling the products.

All Enumerated sizes shall be required to be verifiable on the product after customer purchase, and shall always be a positive, nonzero value.

In retail prepared food or beverages, no product shall be discounted by size by less than half the price-per-unit of its previously sized portion.


In short, I want standard portion names in all retail restaurants, I want clothes to be labeled based on a real , verifiable number, and I want to stop this “Do you want a bigger one for only a nickel” thing.

\ Double-zero?! You’re what’s wrong with this country