Nebraska Voters are right?

Pajamas Media » Small Sample of Philly Voter Rolls Reveals Hundreds of Ineligible Names

It was not simply the deceased, underaged, and age-unknown who remained on the voter list: incarcerated felons (who are ineligible to vote in Pennsylvania) were on there too. My research showed that at least 12 incarcerated felons were on the 2005 official voter list, and were still incarcerated when I conducted my analysis in 2006.

Leaving names on the official voter list of ineligible voters invites fraud. While I did not witness this, a reliable person “on the ground” during the 2004 presidential election told me that he saw the signatures in the poll books of these same 12 incarcerated felons — indicating that they actually voted on Election Day.

I hope the Nebraska Voter roles are correct.