Dear facebook strangers,

don’t know you, if you want to get to know me. Call Me or become a fan Vernon 3.0 & Beyond. In addition you shouldn’t be adding me because I talk to one of your friends.

Now this is a entry that I can discuss my feelings in.

Facebook has that little message box that encourages you to add a message.

I need to know two things.

Who the Hell are you, & What the Hell You do.

P.S. don’t have a stupid profile picture.

*stupid profile picture. NOT you in the picture(ie logo, cat, dog) or more than one person in the picture.

No I can go back to bed.

Monday 04/26/V3.0

Here is my to-do list for today.

At this point I’ve already done two blog entries, so go ahead and read those(if you want to).

Deny a friend request(I put this in after I started blogging, but before I posted.*

Eat Breakfast,
Watch TV,
Leave for Work,
Leave for the Condo,
Cook Dinner,
Eat Dinner,
Watch Honey, I Blew Up the Kid, or Honey, i Shrunk the Kid.


I originally had selected this entry as friends only, all my non-friends(ie people I have not friended on livejournal) Cause I like some of you that will read this, but you aren’t my friend on livejournal.

I need to get a clock for my bedroom so my phone won’t be in the bedroom. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now, so if I can fit it in my schedule for Monday 04/23/V3.0 I will pick up one.

I won’t one with an alarm function, cd, & radio player.

tender or awww, moment is forthcoming.

If it could display a picture of you, that would be awesome.

Nice, but

So I got a Samsung Moment on Friday, I’ve been using facebook mobile for awhile though my previous phone.

I thought the android system would be my ultimate internet(I hear good things about it), but today Monday 04/26/V3.0 I realized that sometimes you just need to get to a PC.

btw the android platform is awesome.

*depending on what you do with your phone.

BUT this phone is cheaper(the plan) than my other one.