The Night that Was

I saw Omaha’s Team beat the #1 team in the Nation in hockey. It’s too bad that we couldn’t hold down 4th place. Looks like I won’t be going to Kansas City for the MIAA Basketball Championships, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go. I had a 20 minute party celebrating that win.

I then went to Crescent Moon because I wanted to. I say a few songs, met some Awesome People. I got a phone number all the way from Minnesota. I hung out with some fine individuals, & apparently my table was the place to be.

I got invited to 2 afterpartys, I had to turn em down. 54 & Center area(bot of them)

Omaha’s Team also won in basketball in overtime the men, that was quite a show. I saw some of the Men & Womyn celebrating tonight’s victory.