Peer Group

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Weekend – Preview

Thursday: Sit @ home my arse.
Friday night: Wrestling @ the SAPP Field house, then Crescent Moon!!!!
Saturday: Women’s Basketball @ Sapp Field house, The Paisley Party Tour @ the Q-West Center, maybe something else.
Sunday: Underworld – Rise of the Lycans @ Rave

You are NOT Slick

I’m not saying that this happened, BUT it could have.

Who: Girl & a Guy
What: Calling someone
When: On a Saturday Night
Where: You above average watering hole
Why: Well ‘a Guy’ may have a identification tool with his number on it, and he may be PRETTY awesome, sexy, whatever she may have seen!
How: Girl is looking over at ‘a Guy’ for 2-3 mins, and may have notice said identification tool. She may have then started dialing her phone, and ‘a Guy’ phone may have rung, with an unidentified number.

Summary: You are not slick, ‘a Guy’ is pretty sure it was you!!!

Weekend – Preview

Thursday: Sit @ home my arse.
Friday night: Wrestling @ the SAPP Field house, then Crescent Moon!!!! – Check(& I also have a little pull in the bar, the bartender was checking ID. Some guy was like why didn’t you check his, and she was like he’s just getting food. I wasn’t, but she knew me so NO need to ID me.
Saturday: Women’s Basketball @ Sapp Field house, The Paisley Party Tour @ the Q-West Center, maybe something else. Pictures from the PPT are HERE!!
Sunday: Underworld – Rise of the Lycans @ Rave