Show Them to Me

Here is my day:

Woke up, Cold
Called the Landlord, the furnace is broke
Cooked & Ate breakfast
Played Video Games, watch some TV shows,
Volunteered for Turkeyfest(serve 1200+seniors a turkery dinber)
Went Home, ate cookie, adn some chips
Video Game, watched weeds
Washed dinner,
Cooked dishes,
watch a movie(Big Liar On Campus, Grey’s Anatomy)
Played Video Game
Watch TV.

I listened to music all day.

See if you can find the error?

3 Replies to “Show Them to Me”

  1. Let’s see:

    “broke” should be “broken”
    “dinber” should be “dinner”
    “adn” should be “and”
    Dinner isn’t generally “washed”
    Grey’s Anatomy isn’t a movie
    “See if you can find the error” is a sentence (imperative), not a question

    Did I find the error? And wasn’t your house noisy if you listened to music during all these activities??? Hope you had a great day, did you have dinner alone? I hope not, you could have come over and had chicken & dumplings hockey-pucks with us!

    1. fine.

      The error was Washed Dinner
      I did it dinner alone, my plans fell though. Too Much family drama(of course not mines)

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