Ass handed to them, AGAIN!!!

with 5:17 left in the fourth it is 41-6.  There goes that 7 point spread they MU had in Vegas.

I am talking about the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team.

MLB Playoffs

Here is my predictions:

American League

Anaheim Angels over the Boston Red Sox (Red Sox currently leads the series 2-0, so they will go five games)
Cleveland Indians over the New York Yankees (Indians currently leads the series 2-0)

Championship Series
Cleveland Indians wins in 5 games over whoever

National League

Colorado Rockies over the Philadelphia Phillies (Rockies currently lead the series 2-0)
Arizona Diamondbacks over the Chicago Cubs (Diamondbacks won the sereis 3-0)

Championship Series
This is a tough call, it will go to seven games.

Rockies lead the sereis 10-8
The stats


I like parades and all, but when you interupt my nap time, I am pissed.thgere is a parade goign down my strret.


I am done, they were not impacted or anything.  It took longer for the sedetitive to take effect. 

I can do what he did for $29.95.

EXTR, ERUPT TOOTH/EXPOSED ROOT TOOTH Insurance $60.00 me = $20.00
EXTR, ERUPT TOOTH/EXPOSED ROOT TOOTH Insurance $60.00 me = $20.00

Total spent so far on my teeth = $474.50

2008 Vacation planning

BRAN – it’s not just for cereal anymore/maybe never was.

Are you game enough to hang out a week riding accross the cornhusker state?

I am thinking June 8-14 or June 15-21

stop now

Wisdom teeth are third molars that usually appear between the ages of 16 and 24 (although they may appear when older, younger, or may not appear at all). They are commonly extracted when they affect other teeth—this impaction is colloquially known as “coming in sideways.”[1] Most people have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more or fewer. Absence of one or more wisdom teeth is an example of hypodontia. Any extra teeth are referred to as supernumerary teeth.[2][3]

I know you were all wisdoming teething wikipedia.  So I saved you the keystrokes, I know someone’s ‘w’ key isn’t working!!

More Wisdom