Follow the rules of the road.

“The General Assembly dubbed the law the ‘Dangerous Driver Law,’ but it is much more far reaching than that,” said Tommy Moore, clerk of the Botetourt Circuit Court.

It will keep the clerk’s office busy collecting the first of three annual civil fee payments from drivers convicted of any number of traffic violations. The civil fees will be on top of traffic fines courts impose, and are part of the new financial package to help fund Virginia’s beleaguered highway department.

For instance, an offender charged and convicted of reckless driving for going 20 mph over the speed limit would pay the traffic fines and court costs, plus be accessed a $1,000 civil fee. One-third of the civil fee would have to be paid the day of the conviction. The rest would be paid in two equal installments over the next two years. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is responsible for collecting the final two payments

For the rest of the story!!

This is f’n awesome, people who willing break the law need a stiffer penality to prevent them from during it int eh future.