
I need some milk rain out today!!  Maybe my friends can stop by the store on the way home from Nikki’s Please?

We could either go with this: is the nutrient-rich liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals (including monotremes). The female ability to produce milk is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to digest other types of food. The early lactation milk is known as colostrum, and carries the mother’s antibodies to the baby. It can reduce the risk of many diseases in both the mother and baby.

Or someone could whip one of these in my mouth

3 Replies to “Milk”

  1. Can’t help you with the milk glands, but you can stock up on some canned evaporated milk. 1 part evap. milk to 1 part water is a convenient substitute for refrigerated milk.

    1. I disagree.

      There is nothing like the good stuff that come out of a supple udder.

      fyi How can it be evaporated milk if you can see it? Evaporated means it has become a gas.

  2. Same udder, just an extra step.

    I used to wonder the same thing, but they don’t evaporate all the water content off… just half.

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