This will have to do

Man accused of robbing restaurant

By Gazette News Services
HELENA – A 19-year-old man has been arrested in the robbery of a Subway restaurant where he later worked.

Korey Chafin is accused of stealing $1,700 from the restaurant last May. He started a part-time job there in December.

According to court records, Chafin entered the restaurant through the back door, wearing a blue bandanna over most of his face, and threatened several Subway employees with a handgun.

An employee filled a white bag with cash and Chafin fled through the rear door, records state.
Chafin was arrested Thursday, and has confessed to the crime, police said.

 I was goign to post a story about a Bank Robbery/Liqour Store, and a City Bus.  But the story has been removed. 

After robbing a bank, man makes a stop at a liquor store and a sandwich shop. Proceeds to use city bus for his getaway. He would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for… wait a sec, he got away?