Interview Me

01. Leave me a comment( in response to this post ) stating something as simple as, ‘Interview me.’

02. I respond by asking you five questions.

03. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.

04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. ( it’s something like a chain, only cooler. )

05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

I was interviewed by and_sheworered from California:-)

1. if you had to narrow it down to just one; who would you choose as your favourite musical artist?  Miranda Lambert

2. when was the last time/moment that you felt truly loved?  I would say February of 2003. my ex-girlfriend RGK at the time finally admitted that she loved me, but that doesn’t count.  I would say it was when I was living with my foster parents, as a child.

3. what is the one thing that you regret most in your life so far?  Not giving RBK a 3rd chance when she asked if it was too late.  I truly did love that girl.  I do regret that because we could have been really happily married at this time!

4. which style of food is the most appealing to you? (thai, indian, ‘american’, etc.)  American

5. you seem to be rather fun-loving and carefree, what drives you to be like so? (please excuse me if i have mis-judged you.)  You haven’t misjudged me, I don’t like stress and worring causes stress.  Life is too short to be pulling your hair out about anything. 

8 Replies to “Interview Me”

    1. Here We Go!

      1. If you could visit one country, which would it be and why?

      2. What was the first job you had?

      3. Have you looked into the cost of a double dutch bike, since you had so much fun?

      4. What is your second dream(I know your first dream is work related)

      5. Do you ever use colored fingernail polish.

      This was hard, I already know so much about you

      1. Re: Here We Go!

        1. If you could visit one country, which would it be and why?

        Czech Republic, to see Gehry’s Dancing House.

        2. What was the first job you had?
        Besides babysitting, I slung ice cream cones at Zarda Dairy.

        3. Have you looked into the cost of a double dutch bike, since you had so much fun?
        No, won’t do that till we move to a safer neighborhood… but I’d love to do it!

        4. What is your second dream (I know your first dream is work related)
        What, having my bakery? That’s still sorta first, the diabetes thing makes that very difficult… current and persistent dream is to become good enough at yoga to pursue a teaching certificate. 🙂 and to live a long and happy life with Clint.

        5. Do you ever use colored fingernail polish.
        Only on my wedding day… I even had twinkly toes!

        Thanks, this was fun!

    1. Re: Interview Me…

      1. When are you getting married?

      2. Have you ever left Wisconsin/Upper Michigan.

      3. What size shoe do you wear?

      4. Did you get all the M*A*S*H DVD’s?

      5. What’s your favorite magazine?

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