North Korea

According to ABC’s 20/20. NK has a better maternity leave policy than America. Oh yeah so does Iran. So who really is the axis of evil?

When you go Vote!!

Vernon Davis for Sheriff of Douglas County

When you go to the Polls to day.&nbsp; Vote for Vernon Davis for Sheriff!!<br />I will modernize the Sheriff’s Department, and hunt down the meth dealers and producers.&nbsp; I will do my best to get the criminals off the street, and KEEP them in jail for their crime

NE on TV!

My great state was overheard on How I Met Your Mother. Marshall said ‘Cleo is a nice girl from Nebraska’. Just so happy.

Text Message Spam

Don’t do it.  DON’T DO IT.  STOP IT NOW!!
I don’t know about you but I pay for my text messages, and you should not waste my time reading crap.

hockey again this we

Me and Dawn are going to hockey this weekend. UNO vs. Alaska-Fairbanks. THIS IS an invitation. Have a GREAT DAY!