Get uglier Friends

T-mobile’s new five plan. A brother has his sisters five friends as his five. She says to her parents aren’t you going to do something. the dad says get uglier friends. SO FUNNY!!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to all the Goblins and Gouhls out in this small world.


NEWARK — A proposal from the Licking County Prosecutor’s Office might put an end to an Upper Arlington man making child support payments to his ex-wife — even though she died in April, and he has custody of their three children.

Joe Randolph, 44, has been instructed by Licking County Child Support Enforcement Agency officials that he must continue the payments until a court tells him he can stop. Thus, he has been paying more than $1,300 per month to nobody in particular. 

Sharon Buckingham, a Newark woman who had custody of the couple’s children, died April 25 at age 40. “I ask the burning question, ‘Who are they going to send the money to?'” said Randolph’s attorney, Jerry Swank. “I think it’s just pure silliness. We have a court date in January. I hope it will be resolved before then.”

Assistant Prosecutor Ken Oswalt said Friday a proposal, if approved by Swank and Randolph, would end the child support payments and return to Randolph payments held in escrow.

“We might have a resolution early next week,” Oswalt said. “This proposal is something child support has signed off on already.”

Nancy Johnson, director of the Licking County CSEA, said the situation is unusual but can’t be resolved through an administrative order.

“When a custodial parent dies, we really don’t have the statutory authority to terminate child support,” Johnson said. “The CSEA doesn’t terminate child support; the court order does. It’s certainly a very unfortunate situation and something we’ve done everything we can to rectify.”

The case was set for court, but with 2,000 cases per year in Domestic Relations Court, the earliest date was six months away.

“I’m not sure they knew what to do,” Randolph said. “I got the impression that they were going to terminate the order and they had the authority to do that.”

Randolph said the combination of making the payments and having custody of the children seriously has stretched his finances.

“We’ve tried to make sure (the children) didn’t have to cut back in anything they do,” Randolph said. “We don’t have stores of cash to draw on. Month to month, we have to look at some other sources of cash, borrowing from relatives or home equity loans.”

Randolph said he’s also been forced to borrow from his ex-wife’s investment funds.

In the future, a parent in Randolph’s situation may not have to wait as long to get a resolution. The prosecutor’s office, as well as the Ohio General Assembly, are addressing such situations.

Oswalt said CSEA officials will notify the prosecutor’s office sooner if a similar situation arises, cutting the time before a possible resolution can be proposed.

Kim Newsom Bridges, director of the Ohio CSEA Director’s Association, said a bill sponsored by State Sen. Steve Stivers, R-Columbus, would prevent a repeat of the Randolph case.

The bill could provide two solutions: CSEA notifies the court immediately, a 60- to 90-day process; or CSEA takes care of it themselves without going to court, a 30- to 60-day process.

“We’ve been working with Sen. Stivers for quite a while,” Newsom Bridges said. “We’re exploring if there is a way to help counties clear up a situation like this as expeditiously as we can.”

“Child support agencies could notify the court of a custody change until a state law took that power away from the agencies about five years ago,” Newsom Bridges said. “Since the statute was revised, we’ve talked about it. We were not in favor of that language being removed.”

If that doesn’t tell you how slow the government works.


Ruining the Holiday

If you are Trick or Treating 2 days before halloween. You are ruining the spirit of the Holiday.  I am refering to places in/around Jefferson WI.

Wii for everyone!

If you are reading this we should plan a multi-prong approach to get one. The Wii goes on sale Sunday Nov. 19th, we should go to like five different places @ five am and wait in line to buy one. Or he you are out and see one. Give of a call.


I an so tired. I can’t in to bed yet, i have to be up @ five am. But it is all good.

The Goose Story

Next fall when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in a “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what science has discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People who share common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier, because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.



When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the draft and resistance of trying to go it alone, and quickly gets into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed the same way we are going.

When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. It pays to take turn doing hard jobs.

The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. An encouraging word goes a long way.

Finally, when a goose gets sick, or is wounded by a gun shot and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him until he is either able to fly or until he is dead, then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with the group. If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that

P.S. if you are not already at work you should wear a nice sweater, depending on what you do and when you do it.

Song of the Week

Song ‘Alyssa Lies ‘ by Jason Michael Carroll I heard it on the CMA nomated Kat 103

‘My little girl met a new friend,

just the other day,

on the playground at school

between the tires and the swings’

My little girl met a new friend,
just the other day,
on the playground at school
between the tires and the swings

But she came home with tear-filled eyes,
and she said to me “Daddy, Alyssa lies”

Well I just brushed it off at first,
’cause I didn’t know how much my little girl had been hurt
or the things she had seen.
I wasn’t ready when I said “You can tell me”

and she said…

“Alyssa lies to the classroom,
Alyssa lies everyday at school,
Alyssa lies to the teachers
as she tries to cover every bruise”

My little girl laid her head down that night to go to sleep.
As I stepped out the room, I heard her say a prayer so soft and sweet
“God bless my mom and my Dad
and my new friend, Alyssa
*oh*I know she needs you bad

Because Alyssa lies to the classroom,
Alyssa lies everyday at school,
Alyssa lies to the teachers
as she tries to cover every bruise”


I had the worst night of sleep in years
as I tried to think of a way to calm her fears
I knew just what it was I had to do *I knew exactly what I had to do*
but when we got to school on Monday I heard the news

My little girl asked me why everybody looked so sad
the lump in my throat grew bigger
with every question that she asked.
Until I felt the tears run down my face
and I told her that Alyssa wouldn’t be at school today

‘Cause she doesn’t lie in the classroom
she doesn’t lie anymore at school
Alyssa lies with Jesus
because there’s nothin’ anyone would do

Tears filled my eyes when my little girl asked me why
Alyssa lies
*Oh Daddy, oh* Daddy tell me why
Alyssa lies


Put on my shirt this morning smelled so good.  ‘if I wasn’t me, I would sleep with me’  Do you ever have those days?

Hockey Friday, Volleyball Saturday

There is a hockey game Friday.  There is a volleyball Saturday.  Anyone body want to go  to the games?

*EDIT* No hockey Friday going to volunteer at 6 a.m. on Saturday Morning.  Maybe no Volleybal on Saturday, I meant go to a Halloween party.

UNO Hockey

Does anybody want to in to the hand tomorrow? Give me a call, i am kicking it night & weekend minutes style. 4025164401

UNO beat the team they played friday 10-1. They play NMU tonight.