It’s a shame

go to and see the tragedy that is befalling the world.

Did you know you can get custom M&M’s? Not saying anything but:

June 9th, 2006
3804 Farnam St., Apt 118
Omaha, NE 68131

Volunteer Week

This week is volunteer week, I hope you do something volunteerish. Sleeping with me would be one of those acts.

No serious do something good.

Why is a laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can’t even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.

Got My Eye on You #31f

Okay, there will be a 32nd update tomorrow.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is meeting 4/26. The will be discussing S. 2489

Got My Eye on You #31e

S. 2253 has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 402. There was a CBO cost estimate released on April 7, 2006 It won’t cost anything extraordinary, but it should bring in money. The area is here, it was kinda hard to find a map of the area. I originally stated that that money should be invested in Wind/Solar Power. 1.3 million acres of this area is already leased. Aaaahhh, this is the first time I don’t know where I stand on a position. Okay, I am going to be like a congressman. You can tell me your position and make a donation via paypal. The highest donor will have the position taken.

Got My Eye on You #31d`

There were several bills moved to subcommittee today, don’t know why but it happened.

H. R. 5072 was referred to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Internet. Lee Terry introduced this bill, he also sits on this subcommittee so it should get some action.

There also has been a budget report on H. R. 4975 The CBO(Congressional Budget Office) estimates that implementing H. R. 4975 would cost $2 million in FY 2007 and $1 million a year in subsequent years. I still support the passage of this bill 100%