Big Surprise

The WB put Blue Collar TV up against Desperate Housewives. BCTV is now on hiatus status. What the Fuck was the WB thinking. I knew that would happen. Assholes.


I went to the store, need a small container of plain yogurt(6 oz), but no, I got to buy a 32 oz friggen SUV sized yogurt. The flavored yogurts come in normal size, why can’t plain?

Lake Pontrain a great lake

I was Watching The Amazing Race today, and the mom of the weaver family said Lake Pontrain was a Great Lake. That pisses me off, all the Great Lakes surround MI except Ontario. and Lake Pontrain is no where near MI.


this is an AWESOME audio playing device. I want it, someone buy it, and give it to me/let me use if for a couple weeks..

NCIS Dodge Commercial

Did ne1 watch NCIS this week, what a shame.
1. A slow pan across the new 2005 Dodge Charger
2. A slow walk thru the parking lot which just happens to be full of Dodges.
C. They are in the wrong car.


10/17/05 – The Daily Show

Okay, so the 10/13 press conference with the troops was scripted. Why did I miss the ‘live’ news brief of that?

Press Conference After the ‘live’ teleconference

Actually text of the ‘live’ teleconference

The Choreographed story from ABC, not some crap I made up.

Meant be able to get the video here:

Been Here, Did this.

I know some of you have been here, done this. But maybe not.

I’m trying to get all my Livejournal friends’ locations plotted on a map – please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

Song of the Week

I don’t know if I put this song up, but I am doing it again. Kerosene by Miranda Lambert is cool. It is more rocking, but it is defiantly country. Raise the roof you country bumpkins