Wanna Play

Wanna Play a game?

Today is Monday 10/21/V3.4 & it is the 3rd Monday of the Month.

The game is called life, it starts with a hug and a kiss. Then there is a very sutble dance, that can takes hours, days, months, or years to get to Act II.

Apparently The United Mexican States is sending a Diplomatic Note to The United States of America. Oh, you wanna step this up UMN?  Mexico Condemns Reported US Spying on President – ABC News I think you can send more than that. This is can be like I’m counting to Ten or Estoy contando hasta diez.

The word of the day is analysand which is a person undergoing psychoanalysis.

Yesterday was a very fine day. Fine, FIne, FINe, FINE day. I was told that I should sing in the choir. I’ll take that as a compliment.

I’m listening to Breakin’ All The Rules by Ozzy Osbourne. I mention this because yesterday ‘rules or no rule‘ was discussed. I was in the that’s not a rule brigade. The other side had some valid points. But before you start to scream apply the cream.

So I’ve decided to quit chips at lunch. I’ve got some popcorn, it is a nutrition thing. Giving up the fat level that comes with the chip. It IS personal.

What’s the difference between freezer & non-freezer storage bags?

Vernon J