From Notting Hill …

So I owe this book an entry on my blog. The name of the book is From Notting Hill with Love…Actually by Ali McNamara. YES it is a LOVE/romantic journey. When I started reading it, I was on my own romantic journey. If you don’t know this story, why haven’t you asked? No I WILL not share all the details of that journey on my blog. The journey is WHAT it is. I’ve put my key in the ignition & turned that thing to go. I then got out of the car & left it running. So the story is about Scarlett & the great life she has. She loves movies & I mean more than I love pie. (Just ate a whole pie in the last XI days). Her family & fiancéé thing she tries to make too much of life into/of a movie. So she goes on a IV week holiday & meets a guy. All the classic signs of ‘I Like You’ except (tearing up) the part of saying. “I like you”, you know. So good story so far. I hope you’ll get a copy & read it.

Boom Boom

Good Evening & Happy FNP Eve.

That was a nice song.

Today was Thursday 04/04/V3.3 & by time you read this. Vernon J will have declared the day over.

Not a particular long day. I’m doing this from my phone, so if my spelling isn’t that great. You know why.

Got up at 05.58 today, had about 1.5 hours before I left. Got in a ride today.

I thought I’d have to go into the West Office, but went to the MidWest Office. I got offices.

Worked till a little after 8, currently standing on the corner of 84th St. & West Center Rd.


I’ll be home, as soon as I get there.

I don’t have some fancy project(s) or person(s) waiting for me. But you never know depending on the timing.

So I launched a new blog today. I got my twitter archive download & know have a dedicated site. It’ll contain a page to all my twitter posts from Day 1 until sometime in March MMXII. It will update twice a day, so you can now see everything that happens thoughout my day. You’re welcome!

So tomorrow the Karaoke is happening. Visit to RSVP for the show.

Signing off till next time.

Quotes from the World for Thursday 04/04/MMXIII

There is a certain embarrassment about being a storyteller in these times when stories are considered not quite as satisfying as statements and statements not quite as satisfying as statistics; but in the long run, a people is known, not by its statements or its statistics, but by the stories it tells.

Flannery O’Connor
Flannery O’Connor (1925–1964), U.S. fiction writer and essayist. Mystery and Manners, part 5 (1969).

Written in 1963.