My Evening Report

Q, D, & I.

This is going to be quick, dirty, & I need your input. I signed up for overtime, so I have to be to work at 12.00 instead of 14.30. That’s 2.5 hours of additional pay. NOT bad, since I missed all last Saturday.

I’m off to bed.

Just Two More Days

Good Morning & Happy FNP!

Just II more days until I get my days off. Yeah. Then I work V days, then I day off, then work IV days, then IV days off. Plus next week I work 40 hours & get paid for 48 hours.

Today is Friday 05/25/V3.2, if you divide the day by the month you get the month.

My evening ended with me talking about you, that’s not a bad way if I DO blog so myself. Since you are reading this I did blog about it.

I decided to get up a little early today, because I got out of bed early for some reason. I therefore didn’t go back.

The word of the day is ingeminate which is to repeat; reiterate.

The word of the day is ingeminate which is to repeat; reiterate.

I don’t have much planned for this weekend, it is going to be a quante little affair in Napa Valley with the loved ones. I’m kidding I don’t know what a Napa is & I’m not from the Valley.Who wants to be a loved one & go to Napa Valley with me?

Whooo, Whooo, Whooo, Whooo, Whooo, Whooo, I’m singing a song.

I think that takes care of this blog entry, cause I’m just rambling.

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-25