Amazing & Wonderful

Well my day started at an undisclosed time, by undisclosed time I mean I haven’t disclosed it in this blog entry.

I then ate breakfast, went to the bank.

I then went & picked up a HoneyStrawGinger Cupcake with an Orange Chocolate Cupcake from Jones Bros Cupcakes.

I then had lunch with a friend, I then realized I forgot my badge. So had to come back home & get my badge. As I was driving home I saw the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile image

I then went to work & had a fun time there. I got to park in the 1st row. image

Quotes from the World for Tuesday 03/20/MMXII

Society is held together by our need; we bind it together with legend, myth, coercion, fearing that without it we will be hurled into that void, within which, like the earth before the Word was spoken, the foundations of society are hidden.

James Baldwin
James Baldwin (1924–1987), U.S. author. repr. in Notes of a Native Son, pt. 1 (1955). “Everybody’s Protest Novel,” Partisan Review (New Brunswick, N.J., June 1949).

8 hours in

Good Morning & Happy 8 hours into the day.

I set the alarm for 08.00, but the body requested an appearance to everyone at 07.27. The body knows what it wants, who am I to challenge it? I got a full night’s sleep last night, yeah!

Today is Tuesday 03/20/V3.2 & we are on day 65.

Something happened 65 days ago, I don’t know what it is.

How do we start the day & what do we do with it. It is going to be a wonderful day.  I don’t like these little sticky notes on paper.

The word of the day is vernal which is appearing or occurring in spring. IF I’m not mistaken  its the 1st day of spring, I could be. But I’m pretty confident that I’m correct.

Well I thing that covers it for now. Have a GREAT day!!!

Twitter Updates for 2012-03-20