is up and running


Training is going good, I am having a problem wiht WebSite Complete v. 5.0 I am having fun.

24 Hours to go

This time tomorrow I will be on the road to Marquette, MI. I cannot wait, yall ain’t ready. I have my own website., look for it on or before 10/01/02. Have a great Saturday.

Officially done at HUD

I am officially done at HUD. Today at about 4 p.m. EST I checked out which took 12 signatures. Not a very easy process, but it is all good. I just have to run in my portfolio like I mentioned, and I am all good. A few more hours left.

I am finally done

No more doing anything for The Washington Center. I went to Staples and got my portfolio taken care of, just have to turn it in on friday. Pay them the money I owe em, and head out west to stake my climb on that 3rd floor. Have a good night. TOBY KEITH IS #1

So Far

Today is Saturday, went hiking at Rock Creek. Chandry Levy skeleton body was found there. I started working on my diversity essay for the program I am in. Had a good day overall

Great Last full week(4 days on my schedule)

Had a great day at work, it was a bummer at the end though. I had to work a a computer with a pentium 266, what the heck is up with that? I have never tried to do anything on a 266. I am disappointed, have a great weekend, me and my friend are doign nothing.


I was working today and met a girl from Bolivia. She was a hottie, and was pretty smart too. She gave me some good advice on the job world. I also had fun at work, not including the tiem i spent with her. Have a good Thursday night, Friday morning.


I had a boring day at work, but it was fun. I am starting to write a letter to Senators of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. I am planning to metion that they should allow students of counties that touch their State to get in-state tuition. I hope it goes well, I had dinner with Regan and Friends. Have a great Thursday.