Hold them accountable


Were did they go?

If an elected official isn’t doing their job, hold them accountable.

if they are being unproductive or counterproductive let them know as well


Good Morning.

Today is Monday 02.10, in the 46th year of Vernon J.

I know some of y’all don’t have the years that I do. More or Less, this is relevant for all of you reading this.

*Public Service Announcement*

Smoking is bad for you.

Smoking is bad for anyone you like/love.

Smoking is bad for anyone you might like or love.

Smoking is bad for anyone you don’t like, or hate.If there are any questions, reread the post.

School Choice Matters

Do you still think school choice is bad?

It isn’t.

Your tax dollars may be going to failing schools and/or district.

Nebraska voted down school choice in November.


lets be clear.

I get paid to go a job.

I’m going to do that job.

If you get paid to do a job, you can/can’t choose to do it.

You have chosen not to do it and …

Someone is about to find out how awesome, satisfactory, and successful I am

TIRES, Check your tires!

It’s cold, it’s white, it’s slippery, snow is falling at the moment in Omaha and this will mark the beginning of actually having to pay attention when you drive (more than you do now). No, having 4 wheel drive doesn’t somehow make anyone immune from this. Everyone understands it’s not very much but things will get far worse before they get better.

It will most likely snow off and on till late March and the snow will most likely be here till the end of April. Please check the tread on your tires and have them rotated in order to help with traction, or even replaced altogether. This will be expensive but won’t be something that is much of an option for safely commuting. This is a way of stating that your safety directly impacts the safety of the persons driving around you.

Snow happens every year and it always seems to take a large part of the population by surprise when it comes to getting behind the wheel and how much time people are going to need to add to their commute in Omaha, this is when adding “the roads are a mess” into any conversation relieves anyone from a 5-10 minute late arrival when snow has fallen.

Remember that this is going to suck for everyone and that no one is happy about driving in these type of conditions, so please don’t add to this awful experience. Turning left on yellow is going to be discouraged, adding 10 feet to your stop is encouraged and anyone caught playing All I want for Christmas is you before December 1st will prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Taken from someone else.


Voting by mail

Kleeb sees the option to conduct all voting by mail as an “unfair advantage” for these 11 counties that are largely rural and heavily Republican.

If it’s good for you to send by mail, how are they unfairly advantaged?

Sherri Bacon, who lives a mile outside of Valentine, led a group of residents and requested that Cherry County revert to the hybrid model prior to 2020.

In an interview with Flatwater, Bacon questioned if higher voter turnout is actually a goal Nebraska should be pursuing. “Is more always better?” she asked.

More is better in voting, even if the person voting, votes differently than you.


How come the communications director isn’t answering emails from the media?

Let’s talk

Dear America,

We need to talk.

I was going to mention just this post – https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBOf158Oujz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

STOP. RUINING. BOURBON. and other drinks.

Also reusable toilet paper, REUSABLE toilet paper. I know a person 9 years my junior who used reusable diapers, I’m unsure if that was a wise decision at the time.

I was only 9 years old, and couldn’t ride a bike.

I’m not 9 y.o. anyone, I can ride a bike.

Do not buy reusable toilet paper, get that bidet.

No they aren’t

As a resident of Nebraska.
As a registered Republican in Nebraska.
As a voting Republican in Nebraska.

Republicans aren’t made. Citizens with felony records could vote after two years of finishing their final commitments to the Justice system.

That two year waiting period is removed.

#VernonJ don’t speak for all Republicans and/or Nebraskans.

I haven’t seen one post expressing disappointment in the bill, or the court decision.


You don’t have to spread information, if you can’t verify it.

Does it sound reasonable?

Where did you get the information from.
Can you find a different organization with original reporting.

Don’t be that person.

US officials struggle to quash Hurricane Helene conspiracy theories – https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-officials-struggle-quash-hurricane-helene-conspiracy-theories-2024-10-05/

Driver’s if you

Papillon Metro area driver’s.

If you see this …

Just know that you are an excellent driver.

I am in awe of your skill set in the driver’s seat.

I hold no emotional feelings about your driving ability.

Also note that a percentage of this information in this post is a lie.