No, this is funny.

From the ‘that’s a funny picture’ group.  This was posted in response to a classic facebook ‘discussion’ on empathy.

My content

“Facebook has more power in determining who can speak and who can be heard around the globe than any Supreme Court justice, any king or any president.”

The most concerning element of Facebook’s potential new power – Columbia Journalism Review

This is why I run my blog.

No one can control my content.

Anything Worse?

A terrible question from @fox42kptm.

What is the worst thing you have ever seen a driver do? Is it worse than what one woman did last week? She was driving while distracted and ended up killing a woman who was an advocate for the handicapped community.

I don’t know if anything worse than killing someone.

I do find this one of the stupidest questions that could be asked though.

KPTM you’ve got to do better. This is a complete failure, on so many levels.

All About Me

It’s all about me.

For 2015 should I change my twitter & other social media bio.


It has stood the test of times.

… in December

Raining in December on Monday’s.

Good Afternoon Readers.

I am okay with rain on Monday’s, it is this December part that worries me.

Today is the 22nd day of December in my 36th year. Just 9 calendar days left in the year of 2014.

I had a good day at work. They installed GoTo Meeting. I’ve worked their since Monday, March 12th in my 33rd year. I’ve never attended a conference/interactive call from my computer.  Waste of resources in my opinion.

Now according to this

But that’s what I really had to say about it.

The word of the day is rubricate which is to mark or color with red.

I’m heading to work, be there until 20:30. I’ve also agreed to be a/the baker’s helper. I’ll just have to go in a little early on Sunday mornings. If you are doing math, thanks.

How’s your Sunday morning?

If we ever

Oh what a day.

Well it is morning.

I’m ready for this day.

Today is the 19th day of the 11th month in my 36th day.

Tuesday was a good day. Work was done, laughs were had. Laundry was done. Information was shared.

Wednesday offs off to a good start.

We are experiencing a heat wave in Omaha. It is above zero for the first time this week(at this hour).

The word of the day is chiarosuro which is the distribution of light and shade in a picture.

I’ve also got a doctor’s appointment today. When I was riding last Tuesday (11th) my arms were tingling. Yesterday I had the same thing while sitting at my desk.

As you are aware I have low b12. Previously me & Antonio talked about setting a Multiple Sclerosis, but my extensive tests came back negative. So we’ll revisit that issue today.

How was your day? What are you doing today?

Friend Request

*I mean, I’ll take your friend request under serious consideration.

I’ll way the pros & cons of becoming friends with you on Facebook.

Then the “I don’t want to be friends with you on Facebook” It isn’t you,REALLY It’s me & my other 99 friends on Facebook.

Okay, as of right now I have 93 friends. So there ‘is room‘ for more friends.


Oh, well that’s ‘too bad’.

Good Afternoon & Happy Saturday,

WHY, yes I do.

Today is the 18th day of October in the 36th year of Vernon J.

We are in the 17th hour of the day. A wonderful day so far. Went to work at 0600, got off at 13:30. If you don’t follow me on twitter …

WAIT WHAT? You don’t follow #VernonJ on twitter. Well you should join the 100’s of people & get “no one needs a play by play of anyone’s day. Especially mundane everyday occurrences.” (via Kristen) go to

Back on point.

I’m excited to go to Dennis & Marcy’s tonight for a house warming party. I was promised ice if I went, of course I’m going to go.

So there was a conversation about me had with people(or person’s) at a certain location.


I would like to:

I know it is tough out their for a person to ask & have expectations of someone. I promise never to let those expecations to falter. .I do my best & I can’t do anymore.

the word of the day is deiform which is godlike or divine in form or nature.

So I got the new Note 4 yesterday. I’m pretty happy with it so far. It includes a step counter & I’ve already took ‘10,000’ steps with it. I think there will need to be some adjustments made. I’ll see how this S Fit go. I like the way the Google now works too. I’m not sure it worked the same way on my Note II. I’m also saving $20 a month, cause Sprint has a new unlimited plan for $50.00 a month.

I’m deciding between phone cases. I’m deciding between Teal, Pink, & Purple. You can weigh in. But I asked someone whose vote/opinion is weighed more heavily than yours (unless you’re that person :-)).

Have a fun evening.

Vernon J outta 5,000!!!