#Omaha take note, this is when you recall your Mayor. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/27/baltimore-mayor-catherine-pugh-not-lucid-enough-resign-face-federal-investigation/
Not Lucid Enough to resign, probably not lucid enough to Mayor.
Pay for Play setup by selling her books to bidders on contracts.
Arsenic in Some Bottled Water at Unsafe Levels – Consumer Reports says
Our city #lnk is over 3ppb. https://lincoln.ne.gov/city/ltu/water/pdf/water-quality-report.pdf?2018
the #EPA responded to rising concerns about the heavy metal’s health risks by lowering that level, initially suggesting 3 ppb as a “feasible” cutoff. The agency eventually settled on 10 ppb because it “maximizes health risk reduction benefits at a cost that is justified by the benefits.”
So the Government knows what is feasible, but won’t recommend it.
Lawyer Stuff
I was talking to a lawyer, who was a prosecutor in a city founded in 1833. We were discussing her previous employment.
I asked her if she still did lawyer stuff.
I think that is called practicing law.
Uh, 100% of the ballots cast in #lnk didn’t vote for the tax question? https://lancaster.ne.gov/election/results/resul19A.htm
Your Government was asking you if you wanted to raise the amount you pay in taxes and you couldn’t tell them yes or no.
About filing taxes
Congress to Ban the IRS From Making Tax-Filing Free and Easy
The Government said you can’t do it easy.
You shut your mouth
Nope … Shut it down
I didn’t start it, but I’m going to go ahead and put a stop to that line of conversation.
No on TIF
NO on TIF, NO additional TIF projects
No extension of the current TIF Criteria
In 2017 the #TIF for the City of Omaha was $44,668,238. https://planninghcd.cityofomaha.org/images/TIF_Documents/Planning_-_2017_TIF_Annual_Report.pdf
Do we really want to extend this tax reductions for 5 additional years?
Senator @JustinTWayne has a proposed constitutional amendment.
I think this should NOT be approved by the legislature.
A full report of TIF projects can be accessed here –