Well #VernonJ had a great day.
- Ice Cream
- Greater than January’s weather
- A Smile
- Conversation with Friends
- Water
- I just offered to buy cablevision for $5.
- I made a tough decision that will alter my life in a way. Good or Bad, there will be no indifferent in this situation.

I got these from the Big & Tall store. $19.99 each, as a bonus.
THEY CAME with a pocket.
If you saw this tweet:
— Vernon J 3.8 (@Vernon_J_) March 31, 2015
That made it an interesting #ACHM, cause that happened. We had shots of Tequila, okay 1 shot to compensate for that show.
I thought this morning, people are standing up for the homesexuals, in the Indiana passes the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. 21 states have the right to Religious Freedom & the Federal Government has it also.
I’m not a lawyer so I won’t speak to the legal grounds of of it. BUT I am taking a stand. I am standing strong with people and their right to practice whatever religion they want to. Cause the Government is constitution forbidden from telling you what religion(if any) you can, can’t, do, or don’t practice.
Thanks for reading.