I didn’t get the job.
Quotes from the World for Day 41, 2015
I never learned from a man who agreed with me.
Robert A. Heinlein
Social Unrest
unspecified civil disobedience to halt the sewer work
Preston Love, Jr.
Firms call on Stothert to direct more work on $2B sewer separation project to north Omaha businesses
Cause unspecified civil disobedience is the way to get what you want.
Preston that is most disrespectful thing you could say.
The bidding process is out there. Make the members of United Minority Contractors provide a better bid and/or service to win the contract on fair and equal grounds.
IF you bid & you lose. That’s how this thing work.
Unspecified civil disobedience is probably illegal. BUT I’m no lawyer.
1st Song of the Day
Colder Weather (feet this morning) by Zac Brown Band
https://play.google.com/music/m Loop/Tuzgizrrfgmdtpo2i3e2ibo6vbm
These load bearing told are cold.