I decided to post a list of my hashtags of the day. IF I can remember.
Every Monday the hashtag will be #IHeartMonday because I LOVE Monday.
Every Friday the hashtag will be Happy #FNP. FNP is Friday Night Party.
Saturday 08/31/V3.1 is #SameRules, there isn’t an underdog in a sanctioned competition.
Friday 08/30/V3.4 is Happy #FNP!
Thursday 08/29/V3.4 is #DayOffGiants which is a play on Thor’s Frost Giants. I have the day off and I’m kinda a Giant in some circles.
Wednesday 08/26/V3.4 is YOur, One of my friends/associates hates it when I say Our Humpday. OUR hump day is on Monday, so I said Your Humpday.
Tuesday 08/25/V3.4 is #NeverEver cause #VernonJ is Never Ever going to see a UNL Footballl game.
Monday 08/24/V3.4 is #IHeartMonday
Sunday 08/25/V4.3 is #flowers, cause someone got flowers.
Saturday 08/24/V3.4 is #Burning cause I was burning both ends of the candle on Friday Night, stayed out until 22.30.
Friday 08/23/V3.4 is Happy #FNP!
Thursday 08/22/V3.4 is #Ride, cause you got to do it FULL bore.
Wednesday 08/21/V3.4 is #GetSome cause we need to get some Satisfaction out of life.
Tuesday 08/20/V3.4 is #Tree
Monday 08/19/V3.4 is #IHeartMonday
Sunday is #AMP which is Acceptable Market Puffery. Budweiser and Coors Duke It Out Over Beer Can Claim – ABC News
Saturday 08/17/V3.4 is #TheWater of the MO River.
Friday 08/16/V3.4 is Happy #FNP!
Thursday 08/15/V3.4 is #SSD Super Secret Dectective
Wednesday 08/14/V3.4 is #TheJourney, cause it is how you get there.
Tuesday 08/13/V3.4 is #Jeepers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCJGB-wYWlg You have to watch the entire episode to get the effect from the beginning.
Monday 08/12/V3.4 is #IHeartMonday.
Sunday 08/11/V3.4 is #YouMad? Danielle needed to be asked if she was mad on Friday. She wasn’t talking to me.
Saturday 08/10/V3.4 is #OutOfTown cause I went to Lincoln, NE today.
Friday 08/09/V3.4 is Happy #FNP!
Thursday 08/08/V3.4 is #BonusShift. I’m working at First Data today, cause I’ll be two counties over on Saturday!
Wednesday 08/07/V3.4 is #DontPushGIVE. We don’t need to push it in live, we should give it.
Tuesday 08/06/V3.4 is #ASpoon, we discussed spoons yesterday.
Monday 08/05/V3.4 is #IHeartMonday
Sunday 08/04/V3.4 is #LiveLaughLove
Saturday 08/03/V3.4 is #GreekFood cause were going international.
Friday 08/02/V3.4 is Happy #FNP!
Thursday 08/01/V3.4 is #HappyAugust it is a new month.