Good Morning & Happy Saturday,
Jimmy Simmy had a real good time in his truck.
Today is Saturday 08/31/V3.4 & it is the last day of August MMXIII
So I got the best news ever last night, yup it was good.
I was told that I have a loud voice that carries, I was told it was the voice of an Angel. The person who said it had nothing to gain, except making me say thank you. I’m okay with that.
I had a long night, got home after 2300. It is what it is. It was later than necessary, but I got to see the North Dakota State University Bison win the football game. It was a good game, we got the #Bison Swag. The University of Nebraska Omaha Mavericks had 4 games yesterday. The lost BOTH soccer games, they won the volleyball game, the Golf Teams were in Vermillion, S.D. and no one kept team scores. So we didn’t lose or win.
The word of the day is corsair which is a pirate, especially formerly of the Barbary Coast.
So we join the working week in progress, 5 days, 6 shifts, paid for 53 hours. Figure that per day hour out. It honestly isn’t that hard for math.
What are you doing today!