Good Morning again,
This isn’t FOREVER,
Today is Wednesday 08/28/V3.4 & we are going to Press On.
So today on Google Music I listened to Mandisa’s Overcomer. I didn’t know what it was when I played it, I just explored and played. It is a religious CD and it is great. Visit Mandisa Official » for more information.
I guess that’s why I chose the title of today’s blog entry.
Whatever is going on in your life isn’t FOREVER, contrary to what you may have heard EVER. There is only one thing that is FOREVER and that is you living with you.
You may have seen me post this on twitter (once) and/or facebook (twice). Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source this is honestly what the media believes.
I’ll give you a good example, Yesterday the Omaha City Council passed a budget with NO tax increases for us. You think that would be the lead story in the locality, but it wasn’t. This issues effects all the citizens of the area your business is located in. These things matter, report them first. Stay OUT of people’s personal lives.
The word of the day is pittance which is a small amount or share.
So I don’t currently have any weekend plans and I think I’m okay with that. The usually will happen, you know laundry tomorrow. Napping tomorrow, Friday, and a low possibility on Saturday.
Well we need to do what we need to do ….