Good Morning & Happy Sunday,
So I’m listening to TGT – NO Fun (feat Problem).
today is Sunday 08/25/V3.4 and it shall be a day that will be a fresh clean sock kinda day.
That song reminds me of a song when I was growing up.
So yesterday was a good day & it wasn’t particularly disappointing. I accomplished all my goals and went out and had a drink or two. One of the servers at The Best bar in America saw me at the Polish Fest last week. She was going to come over and say hi, but she was eating. That’s like canceling a date cause you had to go to the gym.
There was a guy who did that on Being Erica. Being Erica (TV Series 2009– ) – IMDb, i hadn’t seen it before. A guy cancelled his date because he hadn’t been to the gym in two weeks. I’m pretty sure that he isn’t interested in Erica. I would never cancel a date to go to the gym.
The word of the day is doggerel which is (of verse) comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure.
I don’t know what’s happening today, post work and I don’t want to make any guarantees.
Today is the week I decide if I go back to graduate school, I’ll call the UNO advising department and get some professional help in this manner. The two questions is What do I want to be a Master of and Why do I want to do it.
So who got flowers today?

What special gift did you get today? Did you give anything?
Well I didn’t get to post this before work, I turned my phone’s data off.
Well now I’m at home chilling and I like it like that.
Vernon J out.