One can say of language that it is potentially the only human home, the only dwelling place that cannot be hostile to man.
John Berger
John Berger (b. 1926), British author, critic. And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos, pt. 2 (1984).
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Where Vernon J BREAKS his news
One can say of language that it is potentially the only human home, the only dwelling place that cannot be hostile to man.
John Berger
John Berger (b. 1926), British author, critic. And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos, pt. 2 (1984).
Good Morning & Happy Sunday,
I work only 3.75 hours today.
Today is Sunday 08/18/V3.4 & it is a GREAT day.
I’m not Crazy, I’ve got proof. I’m just Awesome & make it hard not to Love Me!
I’m excited for multiple reasons, it is Sunday which is always a good day. I’m having a GREAT morning, been up about XXXII mins. I’m not encouraging lies, but I’ve got this one.
She hasn’t agreed to do that yet, she doesn’t know it, I doesn’t know it.
There is also the St. Stans Polish Festival today. Get to represent the Polish today, who else is coming?
The University of Nebraska Omaha Athletic Program is 0 – 2 so far this year. The next game is today at 1300. Former Conference Opponent University Of Missouri – Kansas City. You know how I feel about the Roos, alot better than I feel about the Bearcats. I got me a Tee for Three’s shirt. The Roos left The Summit League after last years contests. They are now in the Western Athletic Conference. The next home game for the Mavs is Friday 08/23/V3.4 is against Creighton. It is the battle of Omaha. Technically it isn’t a home game, because they have to hope on OMetro Route 2 from UNO to CU!!! That game is at 1900, same time as last night’s game. I don’t know if I’ll go to that game, you know because I work Saturday morning.
The word of the day is lacerate which is to tear roughly; mangle.
Well I’m going to share more later.