Dear forgiving Lord, thank You for intentionally choosing to forget my sins in the blood of Jesus. Grant me the Holy Spirit, that I will continually proclaim Your name and not forget it but gladly call upon You in all situations. Amen. #TheWater
Taxes for a Cruise
Good Morning & Happy Friday,
I have decided that I will do taxes this upcoming season to take a cruise.
Today is Friday 08/16/V3.4 & it is a Happy #FNP!
The are at least 3 providers in the Omaha area that offer courses that start in the next month. This is decision time, but there are a couple things to consider upon taking this journey.
- Taking classes this fall
- Working two jobs the beginning of next year, next year is also an election year. I’d want to help with some campaigns.
- I may take courses next year at University of Nebraska Omaha to become a Master. UNO has a Master of Public Administration, a Public Administration-Management Information Systems Dual Program & a Public Administration-Social Work Dual Program. I think they ended their Masters in Marketing Program. Bellevue University doesn’t have a Masters in marketing. So that would mean I would need to take the post Bachelor tests this fall. The Applications for UNO are due near/around March 1st.
- I guess I’ll decided sometime in the next week.
- BTW the only reason I would do taxes is to save up for a cruise in the fall . A 5-day Western Caribbean cruise is less than a month’s rent. BUT that doesn’t include all the extras, you know the stuff that is extra. I picked my time frame from Sep 2014 to Nov 2014.
The word of the day is cummerbund which is a wide sash worn at the waist.
So I have a meeting at 11:30 today. It is for the African American Achievement Council. You are more than welcome to attend, it is at the OPS Teachers Administrative Center building. It is in the Board Dining Room to the left of the cafeteria. 3215 Cuming St. Omaha, NE 68131
Then I get to come home and do nothing or everything. I do what I want, but I could do what you wanted me too.
Well that’s it for now.
Vernon J out.
Quotes from the World for Friday 08/16/MMXIII
The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memoried glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow’s past.
Mary Webb
Mary Webb (1881–1927), British author. Precious Bane, foreword (1924).
Quotes from the World for Thursday 08/15/MMXIII
Knowledge is indivisible. When people grow wise in one direction, they are sure to make it easier for themselves to grow wise in other directions as well. On the other hand, when they split up knowledge, concentrate on their own field, and scorn and ignore other fields, they grow less wise—even in their own field.
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov (1920–1992), Russian-born U.S. author. The Roving Mind, ch. 25, Prometheus Books (1983).