Good Morning & Happy Thursday,
I’ll be right there, as soon as I live.
Today is Thursday 08/15/V3.4 & it is Dan’s Birthday.
So I was introducing myself to my new neighbor, she is from another country. She asked if Vernon was a popular American name. I told her it was in the 1930’s & 1940’s. She said all the older people are dying, which means that I’m becoming one of the few, The Proud, Vernon’s. So it is your duty as people, to start having voys and name them Vernon. Well get to it.
So we have laundry underway and breakfast going down the ole belly.
I’m also good .05% a chance, it isn’t a 50%, but it isn’t a 0% chance either.
The word of day isĀ impolitic which is not politic, expedient, or judicious.
So the Empowerment Network is having a meeting on Saturday 08/17/V3.4. The meeting is at Omaha North High School (Viking Center). 4410 N. 36th Omaha, NE 68111. The Breakfast, Networking, & Displays start at 8:30, the Interactive Meeting is at 9:30 to 11:30.
So I’m watching Big Bang Theory Season VI Episode V. I totally need to marry (I mean date) a scientist.
Well I think that is it for now, for a couple reasons. I’ll be here all day for you though.