If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?
Oscar Hammerstein II
Oscar Hammerstein II (1895–1960), U.S. songwriter. “Happy Talk,” South Pacific, Williamson Music Inc. (1949).
Music composed by Richard Rodgers (1902-1979).
The online location for Vernon J
Where Vernon J BREAKS his news
If you don’t have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?
Oscar Hammerstein II
Oscar Hammerstein II (1895–1960), U.S. songwriter. “Happy Talk,” South Pacific, Williamson Music Inc. (1949).
Music composed by Richard Rodgers (1902-1979).
Good Morning & Happy Monday,
I need to check my nose for boogers, but I called it my bose. It’s a contraction.
Today is Sunday 07/08/V3.4 7 it is a simply better living day.
Earlier I posted about not finding out about the shootings in Omaha until about 12.48. This could’ve happened for III reasons.
You see how none of those are really Vernon J issues. Thanks Rebekah for posting on twitter so I know what going on. Also on a completely related side note, the CBS Earliest morning news commercials suck.
Side Note II: Sometimes not watching the news isn’t really an issue. The good things outweigh the bad things, I’d like to focus my energies on those good things. I made Crispy Rice Treats yesterday, and if the right amount of people came to work this morning. I just might share with them, I’m only transporting III treats, if there are IV or more people there. I get to eat them ALL myself. I’m ‘fair and balanced’, that’s a lie. I’m subject to not being fair when it comes to sharing my food.
The word of the day is edacity which is voraciousness; appetite.
So today I’m gong to the Library, cause that’s how I roll. It appears I’ll be going to the Main Library, seeing how my two neighborhood libraries are closed today.
Okay, it is now 05.11 time to call this an entry.